The Times magazine, Tatler, Elle, HTSI magazine, Country Living, Elle deco, Lacoste, Burberry, Selfridges, Penguin, Hodder, Conde Naste Traveller, Sahara London, The Guardian magazine.


I always like my photos to have a narrative, a hidden agenda, the viewer never needs to know that narrative, or even be aware there's one there, it’s just a device I use that helps me find pictures of more interest and stops them being only about the clothes which helps me build a mood and an atmosphere. Quite often it’s a film reference or a piece of music, sometimes old reportage pictures of actors, musicians, or artists that inspire’s. Sometimes just the location is enough.


looking back, I was always very observant and drawn to visual things. Photography was a hobby that consumed me and my wages when I was a teenager. Film and processing was where most of my money went.

With the encouragement from friends I finally applied to enrol at Art school, Bournemouth & Poole College of Art and Design, was my college of choice and I will be forever grateful to those incredible lecturers that took a chance with an underachiever who left school showing little enthusiasm for anything that didn't involve a football.

I loved everything about college, the people I met, the lecturers, the things I was introduced to, visually and photographically and the location, being on the coast was

a joy


After three years at Bournemouth, I didn't assist but continuously tested for the model agencies, building contacts, experience and a portfolio, before finally getting a break with one of the younger magazines.

Of course, it was film only then and there were lots of magazines you could work for before digital photography took over and we saw the decline of the printed medium. I have made my piece with digital, which I shoot 90% of my work on. There is superb imagery by photographers who only use digital but for me though, it will always be film, the process of only having ten frames a roll that you have to make count, it’s between you and the subject, no pictures by committee, standing by a laptop. You have to wait for the development of the film to see if you caught what you wanted. Be it film or digital I still love photography and continue to be excited by taking pictures every day. Hope that shows in my work.